

Wildetecture - AfricAn fAuvistic Architecture
mAnkinds systems And invented technology move us closer towArds A completely independAnt of eAch other AutomAtive future. An emotionally cAuterised future where mAn cAn operAte independAntly from eAch other. This seems to be mAns Absolute ideAl, to be completely independAnt of All other humAns. this is evident in his creAted systems in Architecture And the like. WAr is even fought viA remote control And the Aggressor does not even need to look into the whites of his civiliAn bomb victims eyes seconds before incinerAtion. the power of the explosion obliterAtes All evidence - the emotionAlly cAuterised soldier does not reAlly cAre thAt he hAs just obliterAted A little fAmily much like his own. As we drive ourselves towArds complete independAnce of eAch other we overlook the 1 criticAl Aspect that mAkes us A humAn. the key thAt sets us ApArt from our fellow AnimAl pAssengers.
As A crowd of people stArts to operAte As 1 orgAnism we see the power of humAn collective endeAvour. As much As first world countries AdvocAte complete independAnce - AfricA hAs shown thAt its this dependAnce on eAch other thAt brings out our humAn QuAlities. A stronger brother tAking cAre of A weAker. wildetectures key is to creAte humAn driven sociAl AwArness Architecture. ArchitecturAl mechAnisms thAt will continuAlly remind us thAt the independAnce we Are so driven to creAte within our structures , is exActly whAts contributing to our entire systems implosion.
our Architecture should creAte humAn driven sociAl awAreness mechAnisms. where ever possible our educAtional buildings should encompAss this ideAl - one exAmple of whAt i elude to is A lift thAt requires humAn effort to get the passengers to the next floor. this will provide exercise And the concept thAt we need to help eAch other to go forwArd. AfricA hAs shown the world the concept of Ubuntu - this Age old ideAl is A gift from generAtions pAst - our Architecture needs to creAte mechAnisms thAt will remind us dAily to think And help others.
We need to creAte mechAnisms thAt take 1 lightbulb off the electric grid At A time. the revolving door leAding into the educAtionAl fAcility needs to creAte the kintetic energy to power the lightbulb over the principles desk - your smAll effort At 1 level secures A system At Another. your direct input , however smAll hAs A direct effect down the line.
cAn we hAve educAtionAl systems thAt through simple humAn effort support other plAtforms? will pupils leArn thAt direct result of endeAvour effect us All? how smAll effort in one unrelAted Area effects Another. the erxell concept Also encompAsses wildetect ideAls - the fAt Advertising mAchine Aiding informAl settlement dwellers. one fAt spectrum of society reaching Across the divide to mutuAlly benefit Another. humAn systems thAt historically hAve been like oil And wAter welding together to benefit eAch other.
wildetecture design is unique to AfricA And focusses on system improvement not just structurAl And Aesthetic ideAls.
1) eArth brAnded Architecture.
2) perceived kinetic Architecture.
3) ArchitecturAl shAdow projection.
4) disintegrAtion of perspective Architecture.
5) human driven sociAl AwAreness mechAnisms. - humAn effort / energy = A better design future.
6) the Erxell concept.
7) humAn spAce sculpting.
wildetect Architecture is very wild, exAmples of which Are within this blog - it is as uniQue As the continent it hAs been forged from.
Quinton J DAmstrA