Thursday, May 21, 2015

wildetecture @ artmode exhibition 2015, woodstock the palms, cape town

it is an immense privilege to exhibit a few of our key wildetecture pieces at the ARTMODE exhibition, at the palms in woodstock.  exhibition opening was last night and the energy is continuing until the end of next week.

interactive art exhibitions where artists showcase ability alongside existing work is really inspirational for both artist and patron.  i haven't been involved in something like this before. preferring like most creatives to really  work behind the curtain and then showcase the work afterwards. it was great to have exposure on both levels. because to my mind  artists are showmen  and when the limelight hits - i defy any artist not to enjoy the kiss of its fire.

for this exhibition we ran a gut line between pieces and then we hung up work we did during the evening - we termed it the wildetect "dirty laundry series" and it was paying respects in some ways to the district 6 vibe. when clothes lines where strung over the street.  my granny lived in district 6, so in some small way it was for her.

dean - exhibited his viking Norse designs for our Scotland shipping company client - and we had a few usual suspects on display. we have had a few requests for pieces to be housed in permanent art exhibitions - and its great to interact with the design artistic energy cape town has to offer.