Thursday, December 10, 2015

wildetect erxell concept

the erxell (earth sell) wildetect concept was an idea to empower informal settlement dwellers in cape town to make residual income, using the as yet to be seen potentail of their roof space canvas. the concept was ironed out in around 2006.  its a public participation project and will require many roll players getting involved. the idea was to create an advertising glass bead of trade between advertising budgets and people living in informal settlements around cape town.

to provide a canvas billboard by using the collective roof space of informal settlement homes. these homes are temporary structures and therefore are ideal for this erxell proposal and concept.

the challenge Africa has is creating bridges between  different socio economic groups. this concept gets 2 big roll players to the negotiating table around a mutually beneficial product. creating a product that benefits both and is not charity but empowerment is the essence of this idea. - to create graphics using an established canvas which needs up keep and maintenance is the concept. the value is the clarity of image. the real advantage will come when the value of the erxell sold is keyed into a greening component. ie if the graphic image comprises a vegetative component within the picture. this will increase the value paid to the informal settlement dweller for tending to this possibility.   obviously this will enforce a parks and greening within these communities. something which is happening im sure , however this will expedite the process due to a value in image component. im sure the clever usage of greening imagery in these communities will also allow for unity of purpose.

wildetect erxell concept,  just a thought and a word to the wise.
