Friday, January 11, 2013

wildetect skateboard decks - muizenberg cape town

being my own creative client and critic - on my own closed photoshoot set is extremely liberating - i deliberately stand in the light to create shadows when taking photo's. i make decisions as i see fit without consulting anyone - should i bring in the eagle head to the wildetect deck skateboard shoot? or maybe the necklace of sea pumpkins - possibly the box of river stones from a house site i designed. or that lizzard table wire crazy design by my late friend and fellow wildetect - shako mkhize. or what about the bull head driftwood sculpture i picked up on a remote beach in transkei. or the hammerhead shark jaw i inherited as a boy from an uncle who claimed to have wrestled it with his bare hands and a wink?

on my closed set wildetect skateboard deck photoshoot - i said to myself bring it all in - because its the natural organic lines of nature  that resonates with the wildetects - the straight line grid is far to militant. oh and dont forget to stand in the light and make a shadow to liven up the photo. and then saturate some colour out the end product photo whilst fiddling with the collage on the computer - just because i can.