Monday, April 23, 2018

wildetecture cross section of wild Africa architectural design ideas - from sculpted flying eagle truss designs to sculptural leopard buildings - wildetecture firmly believes there is "nothing new under the sun" - the only thing that changes is our human perspective and depending on your vantage point - that perspective will inspire what will be.

These wildetect design concepts below  have all been seen before, within natures setting - nothing really new under the sun. this is just a fresh perspective for the built environment. a wildetect interpretation of what has been seen many times before in natures medium.

So the architect who designs from a I am wonderful "self" perspective is negating the absolute fact that nature is and always will be our guide to sustainable , beautiful aesthetically pleasing architectural design. man has always proved to be simply cubist by nature,  however wild natures possibilities are endless.

for a few men , the idea  of give me a pill to save time, seems to spill out in many of our endeavors.

living in Africa one learns to see with a different perspective - to sit and stare at the vast natural beauty around one,  is the pill and fortunately it hasn't been invented by man. and it takes as long as it takes for an ant to negotiate the challenges of my desk - to the crumbs on my plate and back to its queen. time is distilled and purified through the weightlessness of observing nature. it is this perspective that wildetecture tries to clebrate in our conceptual architectural design conversations.