Exploring the concept of earth branded architecture is now becoming a complete obsession here at QJD design studio. the finger print city wildetecture concept involves the very obvious top perspective being the departure point for the city scape design ideal.
it would be incredible to create a dream city structure in the karoo, namib or kalahari deserts or any desert space in africa for that matter. keying into the wildetect concepts of earth branded architecture, perceived kinetic architecture , disintegration of perspective, architectural shadow projection and the other all the other wildetect african fauvistic architectural design ideals.
the fingerprint city concept is to create human space and cities over a well thought out city scape idea giving the scape a humanised perspective. cities that align less on account like grid formations - but to change the grid to encompass human identifiable design dynamics. not for the faint hearted - but a bold way forward.
showcasing the unique truss, column configurations which will make the above concept spark to life (a CSI - creative spark item) . the structure itself will radiate the concepts and showcase the Hs2 - human space sculpture ideals erxell, QJD design studio and the wildetects have become passionate about promoting.