Wednesday, January 20, 2010

mesembryanthemaceae inspired architecture - wildetecture

QJD design studio has long been architecturally inspired by plants - one such plant the mesembryanthemaceae is of particular interest to those who are inspired by organic form -  having sketched a few examples of buildings and used this plant as a point of departure - the end product from this exercise is a interesting fusion of concepts - wildetect ideals coming across the strongest.

having just returned from a sojourn into the transkei i am very excited to experiment with several key designs which i would like to take forward. welding inspiration for a multi leveled building from level 1 shells and whales level 2 local shipwrecks through the recorded ages, level 3 fynbos / local trees. level 4 cape fold mountains level 5 sky, birds, cloud and mist. but this building and community ensemble will have to wait a little while longer unfortunately - im not really ready to take on this design assignment just yet.

it has long been a desire  to take a break for a few days into the desert , on my own, just the big expanse of the sky and a receptive mind harvesting ideas. the weight and silence of the kalahari , namib or karoo seemingly  receptive to the ions of timeless ideas floating around this silent space. to start a design school within this space and practice the concept of thinking out loud with a few like minded folk - would be a great way to whittle away time i think.