So not only is one playing the game of chess - the amphitheater effect is to give the 3d space people like me a huge advantage. i also envisage this being played with a screen in the middle for the first 5 moves. just to throw the technically correct read all the chess books and study all the great chess players moves off balance. because lets face it - what real current war battle ever goes ahead with each side seeing exactly what the other side is doing all the time.
i also would recommend setting up your pieces differently behind the screen from the beginning - the chess pieces still move the same - but the game is an explosion of thought after 5 moves rather than an orchestrated mathematical Kasparov formula.
for a cost of the board and pieces email
Actually on second thoughts, rather dont get hold of me, just adapt your current chess board to this configuration by using square wooden bits. Then get some paper card as a screen, and then start playing modern warfare wildetect chess. This good manners all in a straight line, you shoot me. i shoot you type battle went out in the 18th century. The boer war changed that. Its Time to upgrade the game of chess, sorry Gary Kasparov. It just Prevents clever chess playing 6 year olds from beating me. Sieze the day, sieze the advantage, change the setting up process. Oh boy, the chess purists are now frothing mad.