this wildetect interior offsets the clients tastes - a drama student. earthy textured tone fixtures coupled with background white and a loud symbol of colour here and there. nothing ott - however very pleasing non the less. considering a good deal of the kitchen , balcony and shelving was manufactured and installed by 1 and 2 of 3 - it was a herculean task. its the detail on the smaller interiors that offsets the bigger picture.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
wildetect interior apartment design - oranjezicht cape town
wildetect 1 and 2 of 3 really put their wildetect collective creativity together to create an incredibly unique interior space in this cape town apartment. as on every job their is a strict budget, the wildetect creativity wasn't compromised in this interior. new kitchen , bathroom fittings , lounge interior , new floors, bedrooms and balcony features where needed. an extensive renovation for this interior brief - with a strict budget in mind.
this wildetect interior offsets the clients tastes - a drama student. earthy textured tone fixtures coupled with background white and a loud symbol of colour here and there. nothing ott - however very pleasing non the less. considering a good deal of the kitchen , balcony and shelving was manufactured and installed by 1 and 2 of 3 - it was a herculean task. its the detail on the smaller interiors that offsets the bigger picture.
this wildetect interior offsets the clients tastes - a drama student. earthy textured tone fixtures coupled with background white and a loud symbol of colour here and there. nothing ott - however very pleasing non the less. considering a good deal of the kitchen , balcony and shelving was manufactured and installed by 1 and 2 of 3 - it was a herculean task. its the detail on the smaller interiors that offsets the bigger picture.