If your anything like me, you would have several lists of creative things you want to accomplish before you check out, for me its now a long growing list, as the years get shorter.
im busy starting a new meeting / work / creative book and like every such book ive started - i transfer certain information from the old to the new. i dont go anywhere without this book - holds the timeline of work and life within it. mainly as my memory isnt as good as writing it all down.
i write my list of ideas down and like a crow bury them away and then look guiltily at a list that grows but never finds its end.
so ive decided to release a few of the ideas into the wild. yes, yes the risk of losing the thread of being the first to do the concept is at stake. but because most creatives worry about this to much and end up taking possibly brilliant ideas into the cold dank earth, before these concepts ever see the light of day. i think its more important to rather start some sort of collective momentum, than try own a concept.
every creative feels that those that are idea challenged tend to harvest ones thoughts. and then whisk them away, to be hastily done and badly executed. this notion makes most creatives hold concepts close to mind.
this one idea on my list is for me a powerful concept of discovering self, as well as a chance to improve my understanding of a uniquely Cape Town inspired and evolved architecture.
the endeavor will be called - Architecture on the other side of the line