Monday, January 13, 2025

Wildetecture tweets on blog

Wildetecture has always been about pushing the boundaries of creative design aesthetic acceptability. Conceptually wild form & reimagining the existing architectural aesthetic. Not everyones wheelhouse, but when one gets over everyone elses opinions. Thats when the magic happens.

Wildetecture style architectural concrete sculpture brutalism. Habitable architectural design from an entirely different perspective. Not a safe design conceptual. Who u designing for? Yourself! or limp biscuit insipid minds? Never apologise for expressing your own design ideas.

You? yes you! will 1 day hence outpour your mind onto a page. The outcome of thought will be the culmination of a million synaptic implanted memories. A page filled with a single minds journey through the abyss. A light for a mind not yet born & inspiration for a future traveler.

Wildetecture, the first realisation an artist within any creative expressive discipline needs to make to themselves is. Am i going to simply follow the design ideals from all before? Or am i going to have the guts to articulate my own imagination? 99% take the safe design road.
Smart cities aesthetically need to emulate the organic spontaneity of natural forms in nature. The current human mechanical design mindset of fervent grided big box, small box architectural geometric form is very limited.